AMRA will be in Boston for the American Transplant Congress (ATC 2022) on June 4 – 8.
We will be happy to meet with you to introduce AMRA® MAsS Scan and how it can support clinicians while assessing potential liver transplant candidates’ muscle quality.*
Muscle Assessment Score (MAsS) is a score — shown pictorially and numerically — that helps you understand your patient’s muscle quality (based on muscle size and the percent of fat in the muscle) and functional capability in relation to a patient-specific virtual control group.
After sending us MR images, we send you a patient-specific report where you’ll find AMRA’s Muscle Assessment Score (MAsS), anatomically accurate and precise body composition measurements with contextual insights based on our reference database.
The AMRA® MAsS Scan Report is easy to read, easy to explain, and easy to interpret, so you can maintain efficiency and focus on what matters most—your patients.
Since receiving FDA clearance in November last year, AMRA has been supporting clinical studies to demonstrate clinical utility.
Contact us to schedule a meeting with the AMRA Team.
*AMRA® MAsS Scan is licensed in Canada (License #16816) and is cleared by USFDA (K211983)
AMRA®MAsS Scan is not cleared by USFDA for assessing sarcopenia for evaluation of liver transplant in the US.